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Benefits of Growth Hormone Replacement

Benefits of Growth Hormone Replacement

The healthful benefits of just about everything that individuals consume and engage in are touted all over today’s media outlets. From green tea to sex to yoga, we find it all. Yet the impactful benefits of growth hormone replacement go far beyond any that are offered by the latest food or activity trend; the benefits offered by HGH therapy often produce profound improvements in people who have AGHD. This particular acquired hormone deficiency syndrome has long been associated with causing health-damaging changes to an adult’s physical performance; cardiovascular function; physiological composition; metabolism of lipids; and bone density. In patients who are ascertained to be GH (growth hormone) deficient, both muscle loss and fat gain are commonly reported, and psychological wellbeing is often impaired, as well. So should adults with growth hormone deficiency be offered growth hormone replacement therapy by their family doctor? Actually, most primary care doctors are totally unfamiliar with the leading treatment options available to adults who have a medically verified GH deficiency; and many of them do not possess the expertise to arrive at a medical AGHD diagnosis that is based on the specific serum testing and clinical evaluation procedures that hormone specialists are currently utilizing to the best advantage for their patients. However, the Kingsberg HRT Clinic physicians believe that for an individual who has been exhibiting the distressing symptoms related to hormonal dysfunction, the many health-enhancing benefits of growth hormone replacement therapy should be readily available to provide them with the substantial and lasting relief they deserve. To that end, they have created an innovative means for offering effective treatment that brings the testing, diagnosing and therapy directly to patients.

Growth Hormone Replacement in Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency

The healthful benefits of being married have been under examination for more than 150 years, beginning in 1858 when a British epidemiologist conducted a health study on the “conjugal condition.” By contrast, the benefits associated with growth hormone replacement in adults with growth hormone deficiency have been examined by doctors and biological researchers for less than a third of that amount of time – but of course their studies were able to take advantage of the far more sophisticated medical science, clinical procedures and reporting measures that exist today. Yet even contemporary studies have indicated that married individuals have a lower incidence of cancer, heart attacks, pneumonia, and surgical procedures than their unmarried counterparts, which their earliest studies hinted at. So it is very plausible that future generations will reflect back on our current times as when the benefits of growth hormone therapy in adults with AGHD first truly entered the mainstream of modern medicine. While it has been apparent to medical researchers for decades that the supplementation of an individual’s insufficient GH supply provides a very broad and deep range of critical health benefits, the future there will almost certainly see much more widespread recognition of all forms of medically indicated bio-identical hormone replenishment programs. The coming generations will have a wider understanding of how does growth hormone replacement therapy reduce mortality in adults with growth hormone deficiency, and how it significant it is to maximizing the health of adults who have acquired and are impaired by AGHD. However, that time has already arrived for today’s adults who have become hormone deficient.

Indication For Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy

Clinical health studies often uncover interesting contraindications and nuances, such as those showing that the marital health advantage does not extend to troubled marriages. Yet ongoing HGH studies continue to show that the medical indication for growth hormone replacement therapy for GH depleted individuals is a perfectly clear and very consistent one. Within the normal adult population, endocrinologists know that the progressive and gradual fall in GH secretion occurs with increasing age, and that this fall is biologically reflected by the coinciding drop in the patient’s circulating IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) levels. The subsequent associated failures of critical body functions collectively represent the primary indication for receiving prescription HGH supplementation, which can correct those physiological failures while providing patients with a sense of all-encompassing biological rejuvenation. Due to a number of recent pharmacological advances in recombinant growth hormone replacement therapy in adults, the contemporary prescription treatments that are available to patients are capable of providing an unprecedented degree of symptom relief and degenerative disease resistance. In hormonally normal individuals, exercise and sleep serve as the two main stimuli for the secretion of growth hormone while in individuals whose GH levels are abnormally low, the quality of both of these activities which are essential to sustaining one’s health has been substantially diminished. However this condition, which was once judged to be an irreversible one, is now considered by most healthcare providers to be a medically treatable one due entirely to the clinically proven successes of legitimately indicated growth hormone replacement in adults with growth hormone deficiency. The combined research, trials and studies leave virtually no doubt that life without adequate GH is poorer in both quality and quantity.

Benefits of Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy

The most obvious nuance that research has indicated regarding the benefits of growth hormone replacement therapy is the “less is more” aspect that successful treatment always employs. Without careful and diligent monitoring, it is very possible to over-treat AGHD, meaning that excessively high growth hormone levels can be equally as detrimental to health as excessively low ones. So experienced therapy providers always recommend that patients utilize a low-dose approach extended over a longer time period to ensure that they obtain the safest and most lasting treatment benefits. This also sharply reduces the likelihood of experiencing any side effects of growth hormone replacement therapy while effectively restoring GH levels to an optimal and not extreme extent. Using more HGH faster is definitely not as safe or beneficial as using less of it for longer, which can make committing to a doctor directed therapeutic program a relatively long-term one, depending on the patient’s personal goals for the results they hope to achieve. However, one needs to recognize that used in the medically correct manner, two years of replacement therapy in adults with growth hormone deficiency can provide a degree of health improvement that extends years beyond that. Each patient’s needs are unique and some may benefit from using a treatment cycle; pausing it for a period of time; and then resuming treatment with a new cycle. These are personal treatment decisions that patients and their physicians can discuss and resolve together, and again illustrates why keeping the lines of communication open throughout therapy is indispensible.

Side Effects of Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy

Some of today’s most intriguing HGH research reinforces the extremely low incidence for the side effects of growth hormone replacement therapy. This current research supports the use of appropriate dosing protocols to deliver major improvement in nearly all of the physiological alterations that are caused by AGHD with minimal occurrence of related side effects. Recently completed long-term surveillance studies have also reinforced the conclusion that using HGH therapy has not demonstrated any increase in mortality or cancer risk for patients. However, responsible medical treatment means that even the smallest percentage of side effects, regardless of how minor, should be brought to the patient’s attention in the interest of full disclosure. On balance, the risks and benefits of growth hormone replacement strongly appear to indicate that there are a significantly larger amount of benefits than risks for patients who have received an AGHD diagnosis from a knowledgeable and experienced physician. So all of this suggests that in the appropriate context, the significant amount of tangible wellness benefits of growth hormone therapy in adults weighed against its relatively low number of potential risks dramatically tips the scales in its favor. However, doctors should disclose the infrequent complications that have been reported by a comparatively low percentage of patients, which can include temporary swelling; minor joint pain; and headaches. Doctors can also explain that typically any side effects that might occur to patients can be quickly and effectively mitigated simply by making minor adjustments to the treatment dosage, or by temporarily suspending the therapy.

Long-Acting Growth Hormone for Replacement Therapy

Gardeners often say that they find their hobby to be very therapeutic but are they aware that it also provides long-term benefits to their health? The development of long-acting growth hormone for replacement therapy now provides patients with previously unavailable new treatment delivery benefits that might be hidden in the bushes for some people. The results of a broad study recently concluded that sustained-release HGH met all clinical end-points for benefits and was well tolerated by the study’s adult subjects. When compared to the current treatment management protocols, which are typically based on a program of daily injections administered at the patient’s bedtime, researchers believe that using fewer injections of long-acting synthetic HGH will make it easier for patients to adhere to their treatment schedule. This broad half-year study also reported that there was no reduction in the quantity of benefits of growth hormone replacement by using the long-acting human growth hormone injections versus the traditional dosage. Sometimes researchers stumble upon benefits accidentally, such as discovering that the activity of gardening can actually provide noticeable health benefits. It improves circulation; relieves stress; reduces the risk of developing dementia; and promotes healthier nutrition since gardeners enjoy eating what they grow, which are vitamin-rich fresh vegetables and fruits. Prescription growth hormone replacement in adults with growth hormone deficiency delivers some of those very same benefits that are good for health along with others that increase immunity, promote longevity and enhance biological functionality. 

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Risks and Benefits of Growth Hormone Replacement

Nearly 11 million Americans practice yoga and enjoy the improved posture, flexibility and strength it provides to them. Yet it has been recently estimated that there are millions of Americans with AGHD who could profoundly improve their health by learning more about the risks and benefits of growth hormone replacement. The frequency of this condition increases for an individual in the presence of other hormone disorders. However, sufficient growth hormone is particularly important to adults as it is integrally involved in several of the body’s metabolic functions. Growth hormone production is also critical in the proper synthesis of certain proteins that have numerous biological effects on the body’s tissues and organs, including the kidneys, liver, heart, and intestines.  So one might reasonably wonder why there any remaining debatable issues relevant to the question of should adults with growth hormone deficiency be offered growth hormone replacement therapy. In a way, it can be compared to the initial reaction that many people had forty of fifty years ago to the unfamiliar practice of yoga. What was initially thought of as an unorthodox or bohemian trend in America has culturally evolved over recent decades to become recognized as a healthy and respected lifestyle choice. Yet even the practice of yoga is not risk-free; among the most commonly treated yoga-related injuries seen in emergency rooms are injuries to the spine, shoulders, neck, knees, and legs. Clearly it is impossible to avoid risk completely throughout life, but the risks that are attached to gaining the impressive benefits of growth hormone replacement therapy are extremely minimal. That is certainly why HGH therapy is now starting to receive the recognition and respect it deserves.

Does Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy Reduce Mortality in Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency?

Early on, a number of the most extensive clinical studies focused on determining the answer to does growth hormone replacement therapy reduce mortality in adults with growth hormone deficiency. The scientific premise was based on the assumption that adults who have developed an HGH deficiency have a shorter life expectancy than those adults who naturally sustain normal levels. While the early studies concluded that there was no hard evidence that GH therapy reduces adult mortality, since that time medical researchers have found that it does promote longevity by lowering a person’s risk for developing the diseases typically associated with advanced age. Doctors treating patients today have solid scientific reasons to believe that the benefits of growth hormone replacement actually do reduce the risk for early mortality by delivering additional resilience and function to patients whose hormone levels have become out of balance. They are focused on improving both the quality and the length of a patient’s life by restoring their hormonal health, which many medical professionals believe to be a major factor in sustaining physiological wellbeing. Every year in the United States alone, thousands of new cases of AGHD are diagnosed; and given the absence of any long-established clinical markers to use as a reference, physicians must depend on biochemical confirmation of this condition. Even their awareness of how does growth hormone replacement therapy reduce mortality in adults with growth hormone deficiency does not preclude the necessity to perform the appropriate clinical testing on their patients.

Two Years of Replacement Therapy in Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency

The stated aim of a recent study was that of evaluating the effects before and after two years of replacement therapy in adults with growth hormone deficiency.  This study’s results concluded that the condition of adult onset HGH deficiency is clearly capable of being substantially improved through the long-term medically supervised use of bio-synthetic human growth hormone treatments. However, several studies have also shown extensive evidence of the short-term benefits provided by the scientifically supported advances in recombinant growth hormone replacement therapy in adults. So what does this ultimately mean to the individuals who are currently contemplating the advantages of treatment? It means that in as little as three to six months, they can expect to be experiencing its therapeutic effect on their body composition, metabolism and general wellbeing. With extended use, they can also expect to experience fewer sick days; less frequent hospitalization; and progressive improvements in their energy, emotions and sleep. Based on the results of multiple studies, patients can also be confident that they will probably not experience any unmanageable side effects of growth hormone replacement therapy even after two or more years of using a medically approved and monitored program. These findings additionally reinforce the dosage guidelines currently used by HGH therapy providers, which encourages starting patients off with lesser doses and slowly increasing the dosage over the course of a number of weeks or months, as individually determined for every patient’s unique therapeutic response and requirements.

Benefits of Growth Hormone Therapy in Adults

Physicians understand that the therapeutic efficacy of the treatments they prescribe is ultimately contingent upon the successful adherence of their patients. They also know that poor adherence to using HGH injections prevents their patients from receiving the full benefits of growth hormone therapy in adults. Yet what are the factors that could cause patients to intentionally or unintentionally sabotage their therapy by failing to adhere to the proper administration? Hormone therapy research has discovered that there are several reasons for this situation, including the patient’s lack of understanding about their condition; the age of the patient; the complexity of the treatment regimen; and insufficient input from their doctors regarding the consequences of non-adherence. Without the proper adherence to treatment, patients miss out on the potential benefits that are delivered, for example, by two years of replacement therapy in adults with growth hormone deficiency. However, researchers have come up with a selection of corrective measures to improve patient adherence that include strengthening communication between the patient and physician; providing patients with a clearer understanding of the treatment benefits for their condition; and improvements in treatment delivery devices along with providing long-acting growth hormone for replacement therapy. It is also helpful to illustrate to patients how poor adherence to treatment can result in both unsatisfactory outcomes, as well as ultimately increasing their health care costs.

Advances in Recombinant Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy in Adults

The evidence that most of the physiological impairments associated with acquired AGHD can be effectively reversed today can be attributed to the cumulative advances in recombinant growth hormone replacement therapy in adults that have emerged during the past few decades. Nearly 20,000 studies have been worldwide during that time documenting the complete array of benefits that can be delivered by doctors prescribing recombinant HGH therapy for their adult patients. Among the most notable findings produced by these far-reaching studies are the effectiveness of growth hormone therapy on visceral fat; on insulin resistance; on bone fractures; and on cognitive function. To an almost unvarying extent, these studies have consistently supported the indication for growth hormone replacement therapy and shown benefit in both its shorter and longer doctor prescribed use. Other positive conclusions included the additive effects of using testosterone and HGH therapies in tandem, as well as defining the relationship between low GH levels and slow wave sleep in men. The length of these clinical trials and research studies performed around the world has varied from as short as six months to as long as ten years, and in certain cases the studies are continuing on indefinitely. As the primary means of scientifically evaluating the risks and benefits of growth hormone replacement, the value of this critical clinical research is enormous and irreplaceable for without it, the medical community would have very little justification for prescribing injectable recombinant human growth hormone to eradicate the symptoms and health risks associated with AGHD.

Should Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency Be Offered Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Is the relevant question should adults with growth hormone deficiency be offered growth hormone replacement therapy, or is it why shouldn’t it be offered to them? Why has there been a sense of being overly cautious or reluctant coming from a segment of the US medical community in offering patients medical treatment for their recognized medical condition of AGHD? As a medically viable and responsible treatment for individuals exhibiting the symptomatic evidence of GH deficiency, it is true that HGH therapy has still not gained universal acceptance by the community of physicians and endocrinologists who treat adults in the US. Yet the clinical evidence has long supported the indication for growth hormone replacement therapy based on both the efficacy and the safety that it offers to people with AGHD. So why do some medical providers continue to be reluctant to even consider recommending it to their patients who have the most to gain from it? Concerns and controversy often accompany the emergence of medical advances such as long-acting growth hormone for replacement therapy, just as they do in all leading-edge endeavors and breakthroughs. However, attitudes can and do evolve over time and through increased familiarity, which will undoubtedly end up being the case with medically indicated GH replacement.

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