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Testosterone Therapy for Your Libido – Does it Work?

Testosterone Therapy for Your Libido

As you age, libido and sexual performance decline along with testosterone levels. This happens to females and males alike. When a doctor prescribes the right testosterone therapy for your libido, you will not only discover a revved-up sexual desire, but performance and pleasure will also improve.

Women might think that estrogen is their number one hormone for sexual pleasure, but that is not the case. It turns out that testosterone and libido go together to ignite a female’s flames of desire. If your testosterone levels decline, so will your feelings of desire and arousal.

Men have long known that when they increase testosterone for libido purposes, it is like letting a bull loose in a china shop. The right balance of hormones is all it takes to put that spark back in the bedroom again.

The way that testosterone effects libido is via a psychological route. The brain houses androgen receptors that wait for signals to arrive from testosterone, the most abundant androgen hormone in the body. When not enough free testosterone is available to bind to these receptors, you have a decrease in all mental functions associated with testosterone, including learning, memory, focus, mood, emotions, and sexual desire.

For women and men who test positive for low testosterone levels and receive prescribed testosterone replacement, libido benefits are often noticeable within weeks.

Benefits of Testosterone Therapy for Female Libido

As we stated before, most women would not first think of using testosterone for libido. Female sex drive disappears right along with testosterone levels during menopause when the ovaries cease hormone production. That is why it is crucial to consider this as a possible option.

All too often we hear of women who receive estrogen replacement without undergoing blood analysis which can lead to a condition called estrogen dominance when estrogen levels are too high and go unopposed by progesterone and testosterone. This occurs due to the enzyme aromatase found in belly fat converting free testosterone into estradiol. As this conversion process further lowers the level of testosterone in the bloodstream, libido also wanes.

The use of testosterone replacement for low libido is beneficial when testosterone levels are too low to support proper bodily functions. If progesterone levels drop too low, then that will also affect testosterone as progesterone is the source hormone for testosterone production in the body. The adrenal glands continue to provide some of the testosterone a woman needs when the ovaries stop working. That is why blood analysis is the crucial point in the process.

The benefits of testosterone therapy for your libido if you have Low T include:

  • More sexual dreams and fantasies
  • Better feelings of desire
  • Increased sex drive
  • Quicker arousal times
  • Improved vaginal lubrication
  • More powerful orgasms
  • Enhanced pleasure

Women should speak to a hormone specialist about the use of testosterone for low libido.

Benefits of Testosterone Therapy for Male Libido

Libido and erectile functions are two entirely different subjects, and should not be confused with one another. Just because a doctor prescribes testosterone shots for libido and Low T does not mean it will affect erectile dysfunction – although it might.

Erectile dysfunction has multiple causes, and a decreased supply of blood to the sexual organs is often involved. Now, one of the reasons why the use of testosterone injections for low libido may help with ED is that testosterone increases red blood cell production and blood flow throughout the body. If diminished blood flow is the cause of ED, then testosterone therapy may help.

Libido is a biological urge that stems from the brain. It is there, just as with women, that androgen receptors await the testosterone signals that stimulate sexual desire.

Determining the best testosterone for libido improvements in men should always be left up to a hormone replacement therapy specialist with advanced training in this medical field. In many cases, testosterone injections will be the treatment of choice thanks to low-cost, infrequent administration, and superior results.

The benefits of using testosterone therapy for your libido and Low T treatment include:

  • Increased sexual desire
  • More frequent thoughts of sexual fantasy
  • Quicker arousal
  • Better blood flow to sexual organs
  • Return of the morning erections
  • Stronger, longer lasting erections
  • More powerful orgasms
  • Increased pleasure

To find out if testosterone therapy can help improve your libido, please contact Kingsberg HRT Clinic for a free consultation with a hormone specialist.

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