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Reasons for HGH Prescription

Reasons for HGH Prescription

There are many reasons for HGH prescription, beginning with one of the most common signs of old age: forgetfulness. Mental processing slows down, comprehension takes longer, and focus is harder to achieve. This happens when neuronal growth slows down in the brain. Human growth hormone controls the growth of the brain cells, allowing them to repair themselves and replicate. When growth hormone production diminishes, so do the brain cells. This will affect how well a person can perform in their job and all areas of life. This is the main reason for the perpetual forced retirement of older adults. It is too commonly heard of people being ousted from their jobs and being replaced by younger individuals. Replenishing lacking growth hormone to prevent poor job performance is just one of the reasons for HGH prescription. The Baby Boomers are the largest generation of Americans born in United States history, with over 4 million born between 1946 and 1964. As of this year 2014, the last of them are turning 50. The largest generation of people have now hit middle age, at a time when the average life span has increased by almost 20 years. The CNN Library projects that by 2029, when the last of the boomers turn 65, the population segment of 65+ will double to 71.5 million by the year 2030 and grow to be over 86 million 20 years after that, with the possible 80 million or more being on Medicare and Social Security. In that same article they said that in 2011, when the youngest of the boomers turned 65, they comprised two-thirds of all senior citizens 65 and over. Other reasons for being prescribed growth hormone comes from this: it was also stated that 60% of those between the ages of 50 and 64 had at least one chronic disease. While there are many, many things that can cause disease, it is now well known that human growth hormone’s gradual production in decline will increase a person’s chances of developing certain illnesses, and that that lessening of production occurs with the advancement of age. By restocking an older individual’s levels of growth hormone to the normal measure it once was, it will allow that person the retention of cognitive function, and allow that person to continue an active role in the workforce, and prevent the development of chronic diseases in that individual, and just a small part of the reasons for being prescribed growth hormone.

Reasons To Get Growth Hormone Prescription

What are other reasons to get growth hormone prescription? Empty nest syndrome. Some people go into a bit of depression with empty nest syndrome; that is, when their children get older and move out and away. They may get depressed, because they miss their children. They may also start noticing symptoms of getting older than. What some people don’t always realize is that those symptoms were always there, but when the kids were around you were kept too busy to notice or you powered through them because of the kids. Sometimes empty nest syndrome isn’t about the kids leaving, or missing them (even though they are missed) but it’s about facing your own age and mortality, and may be feeling your age. It’s a situation that similar to retirement; all of a sudden you have all this free time you what to do with, or all of a sudden you start to feel old. When we have something to occupy our minds and lives that are necessities, like taking care of our children or performing in our jobs, we can ignore other things (or put less focus on them) more easily than when responsibilities are removed and we have more time. Retirement and having an empty nest are rewards for taking care of our responsibilities, and should be (and should be able to be) celebrated. That can be difficult when we are feeling unwell. Feeling well and feeling young are other reasons to get growth hormone prescription.

What Are The Reasons For HGH Prescription?

It is not surprising that people are asking what are the reasons for HGH prescription? HGH is used to combat Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency. There are 3 main components of clinical manifestations of a growth hormone deficiency in adults:

  • Psychological changes. There is a serious potential impact of low levels of human growth hormone on the psychological stability of a person that can include a loss of interest in hobbies, aggression, indifference, social isolation, mood swings, loathing, lack of confidence, high levels of stress, and a waning interest in sex.
  • Compositional changes in the body. The majority of the weight gain is visceral fat (fat that is deposited specifically around the waist and truncal area), muscles lose their firmness, and the lack of strength in the bones creates an appearance of hunched shoulders and a shuffling walk as if the body is too heavy to carry.
  • Changes in the blood. The amount of oxygen in the blood is reduced when the cardiac output slows down, the cholesterol becomes a regular, and triglyceride levels rise causing premature aging of the blood vessels which can lead to atherosclerosis.

All of these changes add up to important answers … answers to the question: what are the reasons for HGH injections?

What Will A Doctor Prescribe HGH Injections For?

When asking what will a doctor prescribe HGH injections for, it needs to be understood that while the initial symptoms of aging, like constant shifting of moods can be a symptom of imbalanced growth hormone, the prescription can only be specifically written for the imbalance, and not the individual symptoms. Growth hormone regulates emotional psychological and mood related problems patient suffering from AGHD were found to exhibit high levels of emotional disturbances and low energy, resulting in mood or disorders. But mood disorders are not a reason for GH treatment. Only the body’s diminished capacity to produce its own hormones can justify a prescription. What will a doctor prescribe HGH injections for? Weight loss? No. Age management? No. Sexual enhancement? No. But a doctor will prescribe growth hormone to a person that is suffering those symptoms if they are caused by Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency. HGH is a controlled drug and part of its regulations stipulate that it can only be used for a medical condition. The symptoms of aging can often be attributed to that deficiency, however, there may be more than one source for the symptoms, and GH will only be endorsed if human growth hormone is clinically low.

What Are The Reasons Doctors Give HGH Prescriptions?

An individual, who is manifesting any of the symptoms or clinical manifestations of a deficiency, is what are the reasons doctors give HGH prescriptions, and it is recommended that a hormone replacement therapist be contacted. The objective of growth hormone injections is to supplement the person’s hormonal levels to their physiological norm. The most effective way of treating a growth hormone deficiency is through injectable hormone replacement therapy. What this method does is directly injects the complex hormone into the bloodstream, raising present levels immediately. This technique is regulated under the federal government and requires a physician’s prescription. This replacement procedure is legally permissible if a blood test validates adult growth hormone deficiency. Signs of the presence of a hormone imbalance:

  • Sleep disturbances; waking up in the middle of the night, insomnia, trouble falling asleep, and confusion regarding the differentiation between daytime and nighttime.
  • Impaired mental acuity, less ability to focus, lower recall capacity and an inability to deal with stress.
  • Lack of skeletal and muscular strength. The bones and muscles get weaker, and the body puts on more weight. Even walking becomes a chore when there seems to be no strength to walk around.

This list of what are the reasons doctors give HGH prescriptions is by no means complete, but it gives good insight on what a patient with less than optimal amounts of growth hormone may be going through.

How To Get Tested For Growth Hormone Deficiency

There is no mystery to how to get tested for growth hormone deficiency. An imbalanced hormone count can only be determined by measuring the blood. Whether the patient is going through his own general practitioner or through an online medical clinic, the prescription rules are the same. Growth hormone enters into the blood in bursts, and cannot be measure directly, but there is a biomarker for GH called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) that is secreted and released when the liver is stimulated by GH, which stays in the blood longer than actual growth hormone. After the physician measures the amount of natural growth hormone present, he must also be able to figure out what amount would be physiological beneficial for that patient. He must evaluate the exact need on a case-by-case basis, since the federal government does not allow the use of manufactured bio-identical HGH without the prescription of a licensed medical professional. Despite claims of other non-medical companies, how to get tested for growth hormone deficiency requires a blood-based test that is conducted in a medical office by a medical professional. Testing kits that are given to prospective patients for at-home submission of samples are not considered valid.

Reasons To Buy HGH Injections With Prescription

Of all of the reasons to buy HGH injections with prescription that a person could come up with, a clinical condition of a GH deficiency is the reason that makes a prescription legal.  Human growth hormone declines naturally with age, which causes interference in the quality of sleep. Unfortunately, too, human growth hormone is produced at its highest level during the deepest periods of sleep, and when a person is unable to sleep long enough to get to that REM stage of sleep they get even less growth hormone produced which further deteriorates quality of sleep. Vicious cycles like this perpetuate the decline: lessened HGH creates an atmosphere of stress in the body, and stress can prevent HGH from being produced. Insufficient levels of HGH can increase body fat, and the increased body fat can affect the system’s insulin resistance which can further increase fact. The reasons to buy HGH injections with prescription are all co-related symptoms of the clinical deficiency. Yet a doctor cannot dispense a prescription based on the symptoms alone; the evidence found in the blood is the final determining factor. A person suffering any symptoms that appear to be hormone related would be wise to seek counsel with a medical professional.

What Are The Reasons Doctors Will Prescribe HGH?

To understand what are the reasons doctors will prescribe HGH, one must understand the nature of a growth hormone deficiency. People understand the concept of getting older, and most have preconceived notions about what to expect; gray hair, wrinkles, a slower mental capacity, and even slower physical movement. The stereotypical older adults are almost expected to break a hip at some point later in life, or need knee replacement surgery. Joint problems are common in the elderly; middle-aged adults see the signs of this in stiffness of the joints first thing in the mornings or cracking and popping noises when they bend their knees or elbows. Younger people look at older adults and assume there is no sex life. This is what people have been taught to expect about getting older. There is a new lesson about getting older that people are just beginning to learn, and in that lesson is what are the reasons doctors will prescribe HGH. The expected and accepted symptoms of getting older have been scientifically proven to be caused by a decline in the growth hormone that is needed to maintain the body. It is also beginning to be understood that this problem can be corrected by way of replacing the hormones and bringing in the supply back up to the amount that it was at when the body was in a position to be able to repair itself.

Under What Reasons Will Doctors Prescribe HGH Therapy?

Going back to what was discussed about the expected signs of aging, and knowing that the symptoms can be reversed it can be asked under what reasons will doctors prescribe HGH therapy? The symptomology does not determine the need for a prescription, unless the cause is a growth hormone deficiency. One of the signs of aging can be baldness and thinning or graying hair, there are other conditions that could cause that. Weight gain can be caused by a medical condition other than a growth hormone deficiency. Even stress can be caused by sleeping problems that have their root in a person’s consumption of too much caffeine. Because the symptoms themselves are not fully indicative of a growth hormone deficiency, the symptoms alone are not under what reasons will doctors prescribe HGH therapy. If a true growth hormone deficiency is suspected to be the cause of the thinning hair, the weight gain, the stress, the sleeping problems and all of the other signs of aging, the patient’s hormone levels will be tested in the blood. If the levels are found to be inadequate, HGH therapy will be endorsed. Hair will start growing in thicker, and re-growing in some cases, even in the patient’s natural hair color; weight will begin to drop off, even without the introduction of added exercise; stress can be reduced and the individual’s ability to handle stress will be improved.

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What Are The Symptoms Of GH Deficiency?

In researching HGH online, what are the symptoms of GH deficiency? Is a question that is often repeated. In a nutshell, the basic symptoms are what one would normally expect to experience just by getting older. Medical scientists have discovered that these problems are experienced because human growth hormone, that had been prevalent in the body in youth, begins to decline in older adults. It is this hormone that regulates the cellular metabolism and the replication of the body cells to allow the body to repair and restore itself from daily wear and tear and provide a defense against injury and illness. When the supply of growth hormone is insufficient in the cellular metabolism slows down causing less cells to replicate, the decline of the body and the mind begins. It is not a coincidence that this happens when a body gets older. A basic answer to what are the symptoms of GH deficiency: lack of strength in muscles and bones, flabbier muscles with less tone, brittle bones, memory loss and lack of clarity, mood disorders like depression or aggression, poor skin tone, lack of energy, diminished capacity to exercise and chronic fatigue. Even issues with the blood, like high cholesterol, diabetes and high triglycerides with a lack of an adequate supply of growth hormone.

How Do I Get Prescribed HGH Injections?

There is only one answer to the question, how do I get prescribed HGH injections? Go to see a doctor and have your hormone levels checked in the blood. Prescriptions are not meted out with out that blood verification. Don’t let anyone tell you that a prescription can be obtained without it. Risking illegal drugs or illegal use of human growth hormone is counteractive to the whole reason behind seeking treatment. Medications obtained without a prescription can be quite dangerous because they can include bacterial residue, unknown fillers and toxins. The secret behind HGH injections is that the molecular composition is a duplicate of naturally produced growth hormone, with no fillers or chemical substances the body would not recognize. If you are experiencing symptoms like chronic fatigue, high cholesterol, poor skin quality, impaired vision, lack of sexual stamina, low energy, a feeling of no body strength and an inability to exercise, weak and slack muscles with no tone, no apparent immunity against illness and healing time that seems to take forever, call Kingsberg HRT Clinic at the number provided and ask an expert, how do I get prescribed HGH injections? You will immediately be directed to schedule an appointment to have your blood tested to see if you qualify for treatment.

Symptoms when Growth Hormone should be prescribed

The determining factor for the authorized use of growth hormone is not the symptoms when growth hormone should be prescribed; it is the deficiency behind the symptoms. Growth hormone deficiency varies greatly from person to person, because the physiological levels required for each person are different. Genetic makeup affects each person’s body chemistry; while everyone looks pretty much the same on the outside, and for the most part has the same inner workings, the tinier details of each person are as unique as fingerprints and snowflakes. The physician prescribing the medication must prescribed the dose and the strength of the medication in the amounts that is just enough to balance each individual’s hormonal levels. Indiscriminate use of the medication, too much or too little, will be either ineffective or harmful. It is because of this that growth hormone cannot legally be prescribed to anyone for recreational use, such as bodybuilding or to gain a competitive edge in professional sports. The symptoms when growth hormone should be prescribed must be indicative of the declination of secretion of growth hormone in the body. The physician’s determination of the full use of the medication is a process that is from the compilation of all of the information about the patient: the blood analysis, genetic history, current condition, environment, age, weight and gender.