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Human Growth Hormone Injections Injectable HGH HGH Anti Aging Human Growth Hormone Growth Hormone Testosterone Replacement Therapy HGH Injections

Causes of Growth Hormone Deficiency and Best Treatment Practices

Growth Hormone Deficiency

A large population of people are beginning to find they may have a growth hormone deficiency thanks to the convenience of Internet information. They begin to delve in, looking for the answer to why they are feeling as though life is dragging, and the reasons for their lack of energy, weight gain, muscle loss, and various other internal problems. This combination of physical ailments make men and women feel as though their quality of life has significantly diminished.  The good thing is the first step to getting back into good health is realizing what the problem is. The second part is finding the proper doctor who is trained in the signs, symptoms and treatment for deficient growth hormone levels. The doctors at Kingsberg HRT Clinic are well versed with what causes growth hormone deficiency and how to treat it. These doctors start with having their patients fill out a medical history form, and once that is filled out, the patients have a simple blood test and physical exam performed locally. This is then reviewed with the doctor and professional medical staff member. From there, the doctors talk with the patient about their life style and determine what is going to be the best prescription medication and delivery option for the patient. It is important to steer clear if any websites that sell human growth hormone injections without a prescription. Often these places are pop up shops located in some other country. They are there one day and gone the next. Not only that, but they have been known to sell unsafe growth hormone. It is illegal to buy and sell growth hormone injections without a prescription.

Testing For Growth Hormone Deficiency

As stated above, the first step to feeling better is by testing for growth hormone deficiency. The best way to treat this problem is through injectable human growth hormone therapy. There are many places out there that claim growth hormone deficiencies can be treated with ointments, sprays and pills … this is simply untrue. There are sites that attempt to sell these drugs without a prescription or doctor’s visit, these injections are simply ineffective but also illegal. Not only that but it is likely to get a counterfeit drug. These counterfeit injections are not only illegal but potentially dangerous. They come from overseas and are not regulated by any US government agency. The only way to go safely and effectively is through getting doctor prescribed growth hormone therapy injections. This starts with a blood test. It is normally done in the morning after a fast. The blood test is simple and quick and can even be done on the way to work. The blood test doesn’t test simply for growth hormone levels. This is because growth hormone is produced over the day and it is hard to determine one’s level’s from one blood test. Instead these doctors check for something called insulin like growth factor-1 (or IGF-1), this is a hormone that is released in response to the amount of growth hormone a body produces. It is normally much easier to check IGF-1 to determine if there is a normal amount of growth hormone being produced.

Human Growth Hormone Deficiency Symptoms

A key factor in determining if there is an issue is through understanding the human growth hormone deficiency symptoms. There are a large handful of symptoms that range over a large amounts of body parts. In many health issues it is easy to look at something and see that is focused on a part or two of the body, where in having a growth hormone deficiency almost every part of the body is affected. Growth hormone is produced by the body in the pituitary gland. This hormone is responsible for many different parts of the body, it helps the body grow and for cells to repair themselves. When there is a lesser amount of this hormone present in the body it becomes harder for these cells to reproduce and repair. This makes the body function significantly worse than it should. Treatment for growth hormone deficiency is relatively simple but it begins with recognizing the following symptoms:

  • Weight gain or inability to lose weight with diet and exercise
  • Diminished energy and stamina
  • Harder time with focus and memory
  • Decreased sense of well being, more stress and emotional instability
  • Decreased muscle mass and increased stiffness
  • Lowered Libido
  • Hard time sleeping
  • Poor eye sight and thinning hair
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Diminished immune system functions
  • Internal problems such as hearth health issues, and higher cholesterol
  • Poor metabolism
  • Decreased bone density
  • Quickly aging skin (More wrinkles and cellulite)

Screening For A Growth Hormone Deficiency

If the above symptoms sound like daily life, the best bet is to start a screening for a growth hormone deficiency. Some have become skeptical over the idea of growth hormone deficiencies. This is mostly because of some of the controversies that have arisen over HGH injections. There are many websites and doctors that have attempted to sell or prescribe these injections improperly, which has caused many people to raise a brow to its use. The thing to keep in mind is that as long as there is a doctor and a diagnosed deficiency, it is extremely safe and beneficial to use growth hormone injections. In the end, it all depends on being certain that HGH injection therapy is needed and there is a qualified doctor there to help and answer questions related to a growth hormone deficiency. Deciding to follow through with receiving injections without a prescription could prove dangerous. Studies from the University of Stanford have shown patients that were relatively healthy, however slightly overweight did not benefit from injections. Without the need for the injections, patients found themselves with more health problems than they started with, including an increased amount of swelling in the joints which caused problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome and the chance for diabetes. Generally, it is discouraged to start injections if there is not a need for them. Always aim for the blood tests to determine if there is a deficiency.

How Do You Test For Growth Hormone Deficiency?

Although it is normal to wonder how do you test for growth hormone deficiency, it is a simple task. It is normally done with a simple blood test and also examining medical history forms. The blood test is extremely important to be certain there is a deficiency in the first place. These deficiencies begin when the body grows older and starts to produce less human growth hormone. When the body is younger, there is normally an abundance of growth hormone. There is some debate whether these levels naturally begin to decline or if the decline is related to poor lifestyle choices, such as lack of exercise, poor diet, too much stress, and poor sleep patterns. This time of growth hormone production slowing down is called somatopause. According to the director of the Noor Clinic this decreased amount of growth hormone often affects the entire body. This is because it is involved in the composition of the body. How do you test for growth hormone deficiency? Specifically, the test checks for one’s IGF-1 level because this hormone maintains a constant level in the body during the waking hours. Growth hormone is released at various times during the day but mostly during the night since that is when the body does most of its growing and repairing. The body normally produces more of this hormone during sleep because it is when the body is at rest, however, the lack of sleep caused by a decreased number of growth hormone causes for a decreased amount of growth hormone, as well.

Doctor Prescribed Growth Hormone Therapy

This decreased amount of the chemical is what calls for a doctor prescribed growth hormone therapy. These doctors acknowledge the need for a boost and help in getting the amount of growth hormone produced back on track. The decline in the amount of growth hormone normally begins to show around the age of thirty. This lack of a hormone often follows these people who do not understand these symptoms are not just signs of aging, not only that but these signs of a deficiency only get worse as time goes on. Often they go undiagnosed for a long time which could potentially be a severe problem. A common question about this is does growth hormone deficiency cause weight gain. Even though it is a reasonable question, because the deficiency often does cause weight gain, there are more important problems that arise with the lack of growth hormone. The specialist above, Adrian Tovar from the Noor clinic, noted that the deficit in growth hormone also tends to reduce life expectancy, one of the ways that it happens is through the heart. Because the heart is a muscle, completely composed of muscle material, it is very affected by the accelerated muscle mass loss due to the deficiency. Not only is there less muscle mass but the body’s ability to repair it declines, as well. 

Does Growth Hormone Deficiency Cause Weight Gain?

Even though the answer to the question … Does growth hormone deficiency cause weight gain … is a yes, there is a lot more that goes with a growth hormone deficiency. Other than heart health, there are many other serious issues that could arise from a deficiency. Weight gain is something that people think about often, which is reasonable. Weight gain is one of the easiest to see symptoms and it is something thought about often. With diet plans and the media generally pushing for a skinny society, and with people often concerned about what people think as a measure of their own self image, weight gain is something that many people seek to remedy as quickly as possible. The problem with weight gain caused by a growth hormone deficiency is that it isn’t the easiest to lose. Other human growth hormone deficiency symptoms make it harder to lose the weight. A lack of energy challenges one to get out and exercise the amount that would be needed for optimum health. A diminished feeling of good health also makes it hard to get outside and do the things that we want to do.  Muscle stiffness makes it hard and sometimes painful to get out and move the way one’s body once did. The problem is those other issues affect more than losing the weight associated with a growth hormone deficiency. These problems arise in other places and could prove to lower the quality of one’s life.

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What Is The Blood Test For Growth Hormone Deficiency?

What is the blood test for growth hormone deficiency? It is a simple test which requires a 12 hour fast before, and it is commonly encouraged for the morning time. Being afraid of needles or worrying about the time that needs to be taken out of the day to go to doctor’s offices are common concerns when blood test is mentioned. Rest assured, the blood test that Kingsberg HRT Clinic’s local laboratory doctors order is one that keeps the patients’ needs in mind. The typical IGF-1 test assures that the patient will not spend all day waiting on blood tests. The Kingsberg HRT Clinic doctors are local and are certain to work with the patient’s schedule to make sure the client only misses little, or in some cases no, work time. According to a website often used to described lab tests, IGF-1 results are often accurate and do not require any further testing. This method of screening for a growth hormone deficiency allows for patients to continue with how they normally live and not worry about making multiple appointments for starting the treatment. That isn’t the only way that Kingsberg HRT Clinic makes sure that its patients are well cared for and continue to live comfortably. Kingsberg HRT Clinic is certain that they ship the injections quickly, and often the prescription is shipped directly to the customer’s front door. Starting a hormone replacement therapy can be a scary and stressful thought, but with the help of the Kingsberg HRT Clinic’s practicing professionals it is easy to be certain to not change too much in one’s life and helps make the treatment a little less scary.

Treatment for Growth Hormone Deficiency

Even though the sound of the hormone replacement therapy may sound intimidating to some at the end of the day it is the best treatment for growth hormone deficiency. The benefits brought on by the use of the HGH injections, when prescribed to a patient, are generally life changing. Many people report the treatment starts to help quickly, often within two weeks of starting the injections. The first reported sign of the HRT often starts with more restful sleep. This often goes along with more energy and stamina when performing everyday tasks. Patients also report feeling mentally feeling better, and better able to take on the world as they once did. Within a month, these benefits are apparently and it makes the concern over what is the blood test for growth hormone deficiency seem like a silly thing to worry about. Two months is a completely different story. The once difficult to trim body fat begins, this is often encouraged by the injections stimulating metabolism and allowing muscles to grow and tone. Nails also begin to grow stronger and skin goes back to looking as young as it once did. All of these increase over time and by the six month part people report feeling as though they can keep up with their friends and family as they once did. They feel younger and feel better about themselves and their bodies. Growth Hormone injections have allowed their bodies to return to their top shape.

What Causes Growth Hormone Deficiency?

A deficiency of the growth hormone is something that affects many people in such a debilitating way. What causes growth hormone deficiency? This question is easily answered by looking at the brain and knowing where growth hormone comes from. It is produced by the pituitary gland and as the body ages it starts to produce a lesser amount of this hormone. This could be for a few varying reasons. Some people have deficiencies because of a injury to the pituitary gland at some point in their life. Most people, however, are born with it. As they get older, the gland simply does not produce as much as it once did. In some people there just is no traceable reason behind the lack of growth hormone. This is generally worse in some people than it is in others. Understanding the deficiency and beginning to receive testing for growth hormone deficiency is the best way to start managing the lack of growth hormone in adults. Once the testing has begun, the doctor can prescribe the proper dosage and brand to the person at hand. Understanding that growth hormone deficiencies effect every part of a person’s health is also something that is extremely important. It is important to start with contacting a medical professional and filling out the forms to see if a hormone deficiency is what you are currently suffering from and if human growth hormone injections are going to be the best way to handle it.